Winter days and summer days and days of spring and fall, And he whipped at the dog, but he missed him, of course; It is never new; instead ragged and worn. Yet some small door wide open swings He has achieved success who has lived well, My conscience clear my chief defense; He made no show at all. And oh, to those discouraged Tho' he knew his heart it could never cheer O disconsolate man, why fret and complain And a little bit of morning gold If he would make his record true: Show me the way, and let me bravely climb The right verses for funerals can invoke. And the new buggy rattled in linchpin and bolt, A little more 'we' and a little less 'I'; "Life Well Lived" by Unknown. Take heed thy shrinking soul Hast thou played with the children, and taught them to play? Cokie: A Life Well Lived HarperCollins This is an excerpt from "Cokie: A Life Well Lived" by Steven V. Roberts, published by Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. For he who would the wisest be. a catalogue Of pictures, I should like to own "Why, father," little Gracie said Scatter golden bits of sunshine as you plod along the way, John never was found in a murmuring mood; A virtue loves he, not for praise, For my philosophy and creed. Keep it new and full of cheer, To live as in thy Maker's sight, Bear His mild yoke, they serve Him best. Do not soar to highest things And post oer land and ocean without rest; They also serve who only stand and wait.. The following anonymous poem was included in Richard's memorial service.The words rang true about how Richard lived his life. thou who bear'st Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. There were angels waiting for him, I know; Whena little dog barked at the buggy; O dear! And hethoughtan expression decidedly bad; What weight of woe we owe to thee, When Great Trees Fall - Maya Angelou Angelou wrote this poem for fellow poet James Baldwin's funeral. Ere half my days in this dark world and wide, And that one talent which is death to hide. And whispered to you deep in heaven's woods, About his brow we twine our wreath He modest merit sought to find, "Where can the birdie be? The rich adornings of their palaces! Speak kindly to the stranger And never yet was man judged best Poetry is one of the best mediums for capturing and expressing emotions and is very common at all sorts of gatherings and events, including funerals. But just live the GOLDEN RULE, lad, and your life will be worth while. (Good, heavy silks are never dear;) While the little dog barks at our buggy; O dear! Then count that day as worse than lost. Speak kindly in the evening! When Jesus, comes to take me home, I'll be ready. With worth of simple dignity. And myriads of grateful men That echo bears from shore to shore, To trust in God and Heaven securely. Either mans work or His own gifts. Closed eyes can't see the white roses, Tho' the journey may be long, At the sly touch of little things! A Psalm of Life by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow This rhyming poem is the spark that can reignite the fires within you. Whose state can neither flatterers feed, In trust to fortune's chances, E'en as a little child Above vain grievings for unworthy treasures; That we his death may die. Nor by desert to give offense. Till some cross little worry comes barking along, A Life Well Lived One has achieved success who has lived life well, laughed often, and loved much; he said; Ay, thy duty is such; yet it may be well done Next. I hear a rush and rustle What to hushed heart is deep vow? Of hope when hope's last ray has fallen dead, I met a man on Life's thronged way, Naught can avail after parting, So I implore for thee To be without pretense or sham Just a warm grasp or a smile I fancy we shall hear to our surprise Who seeks the battle's thickest smoke, How bears he then Life's little things? The large dark eyes look up to mine, 'Tis then I answer, somehow, The living should live, though the dead be dead," For his heart was attuned to the terrier's note; for pieces of silver or bars of gold. I know that I shall conquer in the fray: Nor ruins make accusers great; Who God doth late and early pray, It is never secured under lock and key, or hidden by a mask of falsity. Make for the loftiest point in view, Why wait for happiness till we are dead?" Of books but few,some fifty score The odors that sweet from them blow. The light of a pleasant spirit there; Speak kindly to the fallen ones, Though cold were the weather, or dear were the food, "For why should I grumble and murmur?" "I need so little," he often said; All the whole big year is true whether by an improved poppy, More of his grace than goods to send, I own perhaps I might desire It begins: Each Life Converges to some Centre Expressed or still Exists in every Human Nature A Goal Embodied scarcely to itself it may be Too fair I laugh not at another's loss, (A very plain brown stone will do,) 18. Beautiful feet are they that go A life well lived is a legacy Of joy and pride and pleasure, But for that virtue's sake; to daze Of sturdy trunk and branching tree, Whose armour is his honest thought, His form was bent, and his gait was slow, Lodged with me useless, though my soul more bent Who plants in human souls a thought. The terrier barks at our buggy. I do not care what tides of woe, or pain, To care for such unfruitful things; And he scowled at the sidewalks, and jerked at the horse, By a tear and kind word for the desolate one; The little ones may own, And all the heavens bring their gift Its filled with moments, sweet and sad Were he but great in little things. A Life Well Lived. But the Yukon's golden gravel While the amount of patience may vary. When Labour warns thee to thy daily task, his soul has flown; Of princes' grace or vulgar breath; Who envies none whom chance doth raise, Has a duty assigned to fulfill before death; I'd like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways, Above small triumphs, or belittling pleasures; With many a frolic fond, Across my life their angry waves may roll, And everybody said he was Stitches, here and there, If, as the Dalai Lama suggests, a life well-lived is one in which we provide peace for others, perhaps the first step in that direction is non-contention. The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware. As well as with sufficient vision. And from the room beyond 10 Beautiful Poems About Life 1. Yet scarce resist the siren sweet That God or Nature hath assigned; It feels the elemental fears, Speak of another as youd have Fly away and seek her, We say of him, his strength is proved: "Let us be happy down here below; 25 Quotes That Inspire Intentional Living. Honors are silly toys, I know, The foodful currents gladly run, And watch the noon-time hour arrive Here's a pretty day for trying, here's a rainy day for working, And draw your friends along with you. Heaps of accomplishment And perhaps unaware thou art true to it all. When brought before the King of kings, When some great trouble hurls its shock; Add to your meal some merriment, But a wonderful twinkle shone in his eye: And the wants of the littlest child he knew. In beauty, joy he sought; Deeds which we boasted often, mentioned not. As my Valentine. A little more kindness and a little less greed; That's the kind of little girl He was sure of his happiness, living or dead, The sunshine painted with a squirt.). And titles are but empty names; And made him forget he was old and poor. Each idle word. The terrier barked at the buggy. And forgotten be much sooner than some good-souled homeless gent; I look'd upon the righteous man, Won't litigate over me when I am dead," But, when the spent storm folds its wings, "There is much to enjoy down here below; Above all sorrow that finds balm in time Or trifling railroad share, Yet still my mind forbids to crave. Hast thy heart felt the glow of true kindness within? And in short measures life may perfect be. That at my heart's door softly sings If Nature can subsist on three, A star leaps to the sky. The heart would grasp in sleep, The gold in Klondike, dear! This was the finest pleasure, he said, Some day a room thats lonesome Chuckled, and sipped, and prattled apace, Nor make a noise town-meeting days, Watch you from on high For all such vain wishes in him were prevented And loving welcome waiting A life well lived is a precious gift Of hope and strength and grace, From someone who has made our world A brighter, better place It's filled with moments, sweet and sad With smiles and sometimes tears, With friendships formed and good times shared And laughter through the years. I seek no more than may suffice. Birdie was very small, A life well lived is a precious gift Of hope and strength and grace, From someone who has made our world A brighter, better place It's filled with moments, sweet and sad With smiles and sometimes tears, With friendships formed and good times shared And laughter through the years. But a wonderful twinkle shone in his eye: To serve therewith my Maker, and present And driving you mad, The world is sad with seekers after pleasure. Does that, and then does nothing more: All buttoned down before. The stainless memory of the just, Make not a man your measuring-rod And a little whiff of play; To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to everyone you meet. And too hard work for his poor old bones; The heart can lean against a word One Turner, and no more, Some eager truth, some daring plan, As when my every deed is known; I sit and read my paper; Whole, without a flaw! "A Psalm of Life", by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, Is our destined end or way; But to act, that each to-morrow Find us farther than to-day. Nor lie down to fret in despondence and sorrow, To make the calendar, my dear, we have to take them all; And the wants of the littlest child he knew. Some gentle mother spending all for love, Then add courage; you'll need a lot. The jolly old pedagogue's wrinkled face What is the use of them; how He to his dear ones gave, Tho' he knew full well he should never stand He wished himself better, but did not complain, Though others may forget your looks, Reading, and writing, and history too; That's the kind of little girl Not so would prove a frown. And thou hast thine own, be it great, be it small, With barking obstreperous, followed behind, Yea, e'en but one sigh for a mortal in pain ", When the cosy tea is over, He will hold my hand to keep me steady. Life's a gamea mighty short oneplay it gamely while you can His eye, in pity's tear, He wore it in a queue. Show me the way. Elijah hastens down the skies To make everyone you know feel that Still meditations blossoming serene, "So live, my child, all through your life, These are the pillars of the heavenly homes, What to closed eyes are kind sayings? If Heaven more generous gifts deny, (I dig them with a pen), And thought at once that man was good; Its children of earth doth endow; You may consider placing a print of this poem at a memory table at your school reunion. Wealth's wasteful tricks I will not learn, A life well lived is a legacy Of joy and pride and pleasure, To such a soul, as up it flies, "We can be. Forthe little dog barked at the buggy; O dear! The "life well lived" is one that has gotten out beyond itself and has touched the lives of others - and touched them in a powerful and wonderful enough way that their love and compassion and goodness are passed down to generation after generation - even so far that those touched don't remember their name, but know that way back when, someone was And all that matters is to live it well. Into the week to roam. Why, John was good-natured and sociable still; Do your humble little part "I like to think of death as a handshake," says the author, Will Holsinger, a certified hospice volunteer. Where body shall be servant to the soul. This poem addresses that age-old question. Small causes and small consequents, Strives to make others wise as he, Words cannot tell what a measure Some marrowy crapes of China silk, He used to wear a long, black coat, And he gave a brisk nod to the folks he flew by, "Learn while you're young," he often said, Dissolved in the morning air. Do we as our life journeys close While the odorous night winds whispered, "Rest!" Then, O for strength to meet the stings And post oer land and ocean without rest; Draw every bolt, clinch every lock, From which the birds have flown. In sunny or in windy weather. Published by Family Friend Poems May 2020 with permission of the author. He entered Heaven's Gate; I hear the clink china, Previous. I do not care what tempests may assail me, For a long time, I felt like I was trapped in a life that looked good on the outside but felt all wrong on the inside. A little more flowers on the pathway of life; With smiles and sometimes tears, He did not bring to view, A life well-lived begins and ends surrounded by the love of friends. Let the score book show the record that you measured up a MAN! Little robins in the nest Its pleasurevanity, and pride, By unforgetting spiritsah, the store The rod was scarcely known in his school Facebook 0 Twitter LinkedIn 0 Pinterest 0 0 Likes. Bear in mind, every mortal that ever draws breath A little more laughs and a little less cry; And, though fretting may make my calamities deeper, the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; And none will grudge them, but the countless host A faithful journey to the gate of Heaven? Who best, Bear His mild yoke, they serve Him best. What warm arousing light is lit, A life well lived is a legacy Of joy and pride and pleasure, His neighbours he did not abuse, For a kind old heart in his breast had he, A Life Well Lived, A Death Well Met. Access to the superlative; For that one little cur overshadowed the sky; The air breathed in and out each lung are signals that songs should be sung, for life's a blessing God intends A person who can make amends, his honor and his name defends, so that his hat can there be hung - a life well-lived. Help him climb the pesky ladder that you find so hard to do; And Downey O'Gloom, in a mood far from sweet, Nor long for Midas' golden touch; Leaving the hour-glass empty. Some little luxury there Till the house grew merry from cellar to tiles. Memorize Poem When I Consider How My Light Is Spent by John Milton Full Text When I consider how my light is spent, Ere half my days in this dark world and wide, And that one talent which is death to hide And choke me unaware! Thy paltry step can never give When I think about inspirational poems for women, I think of Brooke Hampton and Barefoot Five. He ended good as he began; Or vice; who never understood Of trust when trust becomes an agony, And cling to faith and honor still; And then, as your prime ingredient, In chariots as grand to ken Hast thou e'er helped a bosom to banish distress? That ever they had heard. While the little dog barks at our buggy; O dear! Thus humble let me live and die, Burdened so with care. Then you may count that day well spent. And in short measures life may perfect be. And sorrow's crown of thorny stings, But the leaves of his tree grew, day by day, I dig my bits of gold; Still the stern yoke of this unresting life, Decisions firmly true, Who plants a seed, what thought has he To think without confusion clearly; Seem'd lighter than the dust, I know my strength will not desert or fail me; Across my life their angry waves may roll. I watched, and still, O still I thought him good. And Downey no more had a song in his throat, Too grateful for the blessing lent Alan Seeger was an American poet who fought in World War I, where he died after being injured in No Man's Land. A fine old gentleman. I love so much their style and tone, Take a little dash of water cold, Jewels are baubles; 't is a sin Let us see our own image in Downey O'Gloom! Such perfect joy therein I find In bulk, doth make Man better be; From my tired hands that are The rest upon an upper floor; Of red morocco's gilded gleam I shall be given courage for the strife, And that one talent which is death to hide While Patience smiles her royal smile: And then, should failure come to me, No worldly wave my mind can toss; Still thought I that the man was good. "Don't worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try.". 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